Monday, August 10, 2009

The First Day of School - Church Eases Fears

Today was the first day of school in our town. Last night my daughters were both excited and apprehensive as they prepared for the next morning. I could hear them chatter excessively about what friends might be in their classrooms, what their teachers would be like, who would return and who wouldn't, the hard studying they would have to do now that summer break was over, etc. None of this excitement really surprised me and it made me smile hearing them because it brought back memories of when I was in school...way, way, way, long ago. What did surprise me, however, was the fact that underneath my bold exterior I was even more apprehensive than they were. In fact, I was a little bit scared of them going back to school.

Times have changed so much since I was in school and kids did not have nearly the troubles, worries, challenges, and problems that they face now. Bullies, violence, gangs, unscrupulous teachers, school shootings, etc...all of those things scare the devil out of me now. In church yesterday the pastor did something that put my mind to ease..they called all of the children going back to school up to the front of the church along with the parents and he prayed over us. How thoughtful! They also handed the children gift bags with a few school supplies and treats and each one of them were surprised with a popsicle on their way out of the church doors. All of these things may seem small, but wow did they ever make a difference!

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