Sunday, December 2, 2007

Plastic Surgery Debate (My opinion)

In the news recently, there has been much debate over the use of plastic surgery. This very popular means of transforming one’s body has been around for decades. As facelifts and breast implants increase in popularity, so does the news coverage of plastic surgery deaths. The most recent accidental death of rap superstar Kanye West’s mother is shedding even further light on this dangerous method of seeking perfection. Rumor mills contend that this was not her first time having plastic surgery, and that she was fully aware of the risks. Even more surprising is the fact that the surgeon who performed the fatal surgery on Mrs. West was endorsed on the Oprah Winfrey show. Most people would assume that because he appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, there was no chance of anything going wrong. What most people do not realize is that having any type of plastic surgery is risky. The risks involved range from simple scarring that can eventually be corrected, to death. In spite of these risks, hundreds of people still go under the knife daily in an effort to become more beautiful. Vanity. We are all guilty of being vain in one way or the other. Each one of us has at least one thing about ourselves that we would have changed if we could. I, for example, would have a tummy tuck, liposuction, a breast lift, and a nose job…plus a little Botox if I could afford it. Despite the risks, the recent deaths, and despite what other people might say, I would absolutely have plastic surgery (in numerous places) if I had the money. Some may say this is the lazy way out or that people should just grow old gracefully. I agree with that statement, however I strongly feel that it is an individual choice and nobody’s business. If it makes a person feel better about themselves, gives them self-confidence, and helps them to achieve happiness, noone has the right to stand in judgment of them.

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