Saturday, October 29, 2011

Your Calling

So many times we wonder what we were put on this earth to do. What is our calling? We search and search for it all over but we just can't seem to figure out exactly what it is that God wants us to do. Well, there are some people that are blessed enough to figure out their calling and thus live a fulfilling life doing what God meant for them. However, there are also a lot of people who die and never figure it out. Attached is a message from my pastor to us. Hopefully it will shed some light on this complicated issue:

A Word From Pastor Ted:

A calling is something you discover, not something you choose. The word vocation comes from the Latin word for voice. Discovering it involves very careful listening. People will sometime speak about choosing their calling, but a chosen calling is an oxymoron. The whole idea of calling is taken from Scripture, where time after time God calls someone to do his work. The whole idea of a calling is that there is a Caller and a call-ee. You and I are the call-ees and God is the Call-er. God equips the worker and assigns the work. Michael Novak puts it like this, "We didn't give ourselves the personalities, talents, or longings we were born with. When we fulfil these gifts from beyond ourselves-it is like fulfiling something were meant to do. The Creator of all things knows the name of each of us, knows thoroughly, better than we do ourselves, what is in us, for he put it there and intends for us to do something with it. Something that meshes with his intentions for many other people. Even if we do not always think of it that way, each of us was given a calling by fate, by chance, by destiny, by God. Those who are lucky have found it". I pray that you continue to see how God is guiding you in your calliing.

I will be the first to say that it took me over forty years to figure out what my calling was. And sometimes you can have more than one calling because God can give you more than one trait that you can use for the better good. One of my callings is writing. Another one of my callings is managing projects. I know those two are callings but I feel in my gut that there is something else I am supposed to be doing but can't quite put my figure on it. Oh well, it will come to me some day, and if it don't I will just use the other two gifts I have received from the Lord. Have a blessed week.

-Pastor Ted, in Toni's viewpoint

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