Thursday, June 14, 2007

Potty Training

As you know, I have been working on potty training my two year old son. Well I am happy to report that all is going very well on the homefront. He isn't completely trained yet, however he does use the bathroom when you take him to it and will even sometimes tell you "Potty" when he needs to go. However, he also says "Potty" after he has already had an accident in his pull up too. I just wish I knew in advance that he would use the big boy potty and not even sit on the portable potty before I bought it. That was $35 down the drain. Oh well, you can't win them all.


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SimplyBillie said...

I agree, a waste of money! We bought one for my 2-year-old recently, as well. He treats it just like any other chair. He's not at all interested in using it as a 'potty'.

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