Sunday, July 22, 2007

Taking The Plunge in Freelance Writing

Let me warn you, this article is not about my children. I know, I know, your only reason for visiting this blog is to find out what mischief my kids have gotten into lately. But just this once, I am going to tell you all about a decision I have made. A very important decision that I want to share with you. I have decided to fully pursue my freelance writing career. I don't just mean writing in a blog or turning in a few articles throughout the year. I am really and truly going to give this whole freelance writing thing 100% of a chance. Now, I am still enrolled in college in pursuit of my Psychology degree, however until I graduate (which at the rate I'm going and because I am already 40 will take forever) I am going to devote the bulk of my time to writing for dollars.

Going to church and reading my Bible helped me to arrive at this decision. So did my crying for over an hour on Friday because I was embarassed and called out on a team call in front of my manager...I decided that you can't depend on Corporate America. Sure, it pays the bills, but does it really make you happy? Writing makes me happy. Helping people makes me happy. And hopefully, at the end of the year when I am making (hopefully) $2,000 per month at this, that will REALLY make me happy! In ten years when I am not only writing, but I also have my own Psychology practice, turn the key to the office that says, "Dr. Antoinette Braswell", and enter my plush office with a window--I will truly, truly, be happy!

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