Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School Jitters

Today was the first day of school here. Because we were redistricted a few months ago, this was my little girls' first day at their new school. I spent the entire summer worrying about how they were going to do, how were they going to make new friends, would the people at the new school like them, etc. As they walked down the halls to their new classes, my stomach curled up in knots. I felt like I was the new girl in school! Turns out I did all of this worrying for nothing! My girls LOVED their new school, their new teachers, the new cafeteria, and even the new playground! My eight year old even commented on how the playground was "like a jungle".

I don't know why so many of us worry about our kids and their first day of school. We work ourselves into a frenzy and grow a few more grey hairs thinking it will be hard on them when nothing could be further from the truth. If your kids are anything like mine they make friends very easily and they know NO strangers. They don't have the same "clique" and "status" hangups that some adults and teen agers have. For this I am sooooooo grateful. That type of worry will come soon enough for them (unfortunately). For now I am just counting my blessings that I was the only one with tears in their eyes today. :)

How was your children's first day of school?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My son started preschool - 5 days a week from 9:30 - 1:30. His preschool is through the public school system so he attends at the elementary school.

It really seemed like he was starting kindergarten to me!

I too worked myself up into a frenzy. Totally unnecessary, I might add. He loves "big boy school" and is sad when it's the weekend! LOL

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