Saturday, April 24, 2010

Should I be Upset or Just Let It Go

I need you guys’ opinion. I do not like to be upset or carry grudges so I want to squash this mess and continue on with my life. All of my friends and relatives and church family is aware of this very rare cancer that I have and the fact that I have to drive from Georgia to Tampa, Florida every three months. The last time I was in Tampa was two or three weeks ago. I had major surgery that included exploratory surgery of my liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, etc. in search of the tumor however the surgery was unsuccessful and they could not find the tumor, however they did remove my gallbladder. Before I went to Tampa I begged my sisters and my mother to please come visit me in the hospital at least for one day because I was terrified and needed family there. Keith was by my side every step of the way and I do not know what I would have done without him,but no sisters, and no mother. My mother has illnesses of her own. She is in constant pain with her legs, back, and kneecaps so I totally understood that she could not take the drive to Tampa. I had spoken with my youngest sister and we agreed that it would be better for her to come around and help me at home versus coming to the hospital because I would need more help and company at home once I came back, so all is good on that point. She has not come around yet, but that is my fault, I am working on a schedule for all of this. However, my other sister knew how difficult this was going to be for me and I asked her to come but due to monetary issues she could not come, which I understood.

Fast forward to the week after I arrive back at home from my surgery in Tampa. I found out that my sister who said she had the monetary issues, her husband, my oldest daughter and her husband all drove to Disney World together to have some R&R. I spoke to my sister a few days before they left and she made no mention of the trip. To make matters worse, on several occasions while I was in the hospital I expressed to that sister that I wanted the three of us (sisters) to come closer together as a family because I felt that we were no where near as close as we could be as siblings. That was just my opinion, but I see so many other families who laugh together and take small inexpensive family trips together, etc. and I know that we could do that too. She promised me that we would work on our relationships once I returned from my surgery. Well, that is pretty hard to do when they are living it up in Orlando while I am recovering from surgery in Atlanta. Please don’t get me wrong, I think they all had a right to take a vacation to Orlando with their children, We all need to do more of that relaxation, what bothers me is that they did it the week after I returned which means they could have done it during the two weeks I was in Tampa and visited at least one day. It would have meant so much to me. I don’t know of any boss in the country who would not have let them rescheduled their vacation days two weeks ahead of time to visit their sister in the Cancer Treatment Center, but none of them did that. I am very hurt over this and I want to get passed this but need you all’s opinion/help on this. I text messaged my sister my displeasure with what they did and asked them to say Hi to Mickey Mouse for me.
My question for all of you is this…..Am I right to be upset, or am I wrong? How do I get past this because it hurts me to my core. I feel like I am just a piece of trash to them and that I don’t matter. What are your thoughts?

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