Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reality Shows Enough Is Enough

Is there any end in sight to reality television? Don’t get me wrong, there are many reality television shows I enjoy watching, but the number and extent in which they will go to in order to be success and make money are beginning to get outrageous. One of the worse of these shows is called “Cheaters”. Cheaters is a reality television show in which spouses or significant others who suspect their mates of cheating on them hire private investigators on the Cheaters staff to secretly follow around and tape record conversations of the suspected cheater in hopes of finding proof that the person in question is actually cheating on their significant other. This show reveals it all! Hotel room visits, lying telephone conversations, romantic visits in the park, sex in cars, you name it, this show has seen it and shown it on television. The highlight to all of this is when the television show host actually meets with the person being cheated on and shows them footage of the proof they have on the person cheating. As soon as the footage is completed, the show whisks the person off to where the cheater is at with their companion. I probably do not need to tell you what happens next, but let me just say that’s when it gets juicy. There is fighting, hotel doors burst open with people naked or in towels, quiet intimate booths zoomed in on with bright television cameras. It is really kind of ruthless, but it does make for good television.

Some of the better reality shows such as American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and the Bachelor are some of the good, decent shows, but there are more and more of similar shows popping up on the tube. We all love a good reality show, but at some point enough is just enough and I for one say that it is enough. Please, no more new reality shows until we can at least get accustomed to all of the current ones under our belts and understood first.

By the way, in case you are all wondering, my current favorite reality show is Dancing With the Stars. It was once American Idol, but since Paula’s departure I do not find it quite as interesting. I also get upset at some of the people they pass through into the top twelve. To me, some of the ones passed over are much more talented than some of the ones who make it to the top twelve. I hate that!

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